Sunday, June 7, 2009

Medieval Dinner at Bunratty Castle

Me in front of Bunratty Castle, Ireland

Now at the TOP of the castle!

All of us at the top

My mom booked this AWESOME dinner for us in Ireland. We were able to attend a Medieval dinner at this castle. It was so amazing!

Just arriving for the dinner, drinking my juice. (They serve Mead, which is a type of beer, to most people as the tradition, however you can request juice.)

It was so cool to see all the Medieval outfits that the people who put on the show wore!

Mmmmmmm bread! Anyone who knows me well, knows I would live a FINE life on bread alone!

All of us at the dinner table! (A few family members hiding....)

While we ate our dinner, we were able to listen to beautiful music including the harp, the violin, and some singing! It was awesome!

Me drinking my yummy soup!! The dinner was served in courses. And the catch was, you were only given a knife to eat with. That is how they used to do it, so we had a knife and our fingers!!

Before you get scared off, let me explain!! ha ha! One of the courses we had was pork ribs. I DO NOT eat pork!! Ewwww!! But, I thought I would make the best of it, and instead of eating it, I decided to smear the sauce on my face and fingers and pretend I ate it! Hey, it turned out to be a good photo op!!!!! (I thought it was funny...but I am probably just embarrassing myself!)

Mmmmmmm Pork ribs!!! (um....not really "Mmmmm")

And what do you do with the ribs when you are done?? Why throw them in the wooden bowl of course!!!

This was a cute little funny man!! He was very entertaining I must say!!!

Eating potatoes, chicken, and vegetables with my knife :)

And finally for dessert.......Some berry mousse with fruit and whipped cream on top!!! (They gave in and allowed us to use spoons for this one!!)

This was such a fun experience! I think most of my family would say this was one of our favorite things that we did!! Thanks so much mom for planning this out ahead of time!! I am so glad that we had the opportunity to do this!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That looks awesome!! They should rename it Rattybum Castle don't you think? I would have loved to have gone there. I always thought I was born in the wrong era, except for tylenol, epidurals and Old Navy! Oh well, I'm still jealous of your super fun trip! :)