Sunday, December 13, 2009

Any Ideas???

So, Jon and I are planning a vacation in february or march!! We have a few ideas, but would appreciate any suggestions if anybody has any reccomendations! We have talked aboout cruises vs. not a cruise. We have talked about South America, so I can speak Spanish! Costa Rica, Panama, and we have also thrown around the idea of Australia/New Zealand!! We can't decide if we want to do a cruise! Jon wants to but I dont know if I do!! Ideas/Suggestions would be great!!

$125...and Counting....

This($125) may not seem like a lot, but when you figure between Jon and I(when I say "Jon and I", what I really mean is "Jon has purchased, but I have used!) we have purchased 5 twenty five dollar gift cards for ourselves in the past month and they are all GONE!!! Special: "Buy a $25 gift card and get a free 16 oz of your choice!" "On what??" you may ask.....An addiction I have. MINIMUM 5 days a week, if not 6. I can't live without it.
My order:
16 ounce (or 20 ounce, depending on the day) Chunky Strawberry from Jamaba Juice
Yes I would like a Free Boost
No lid, I'll eat it as soon as I get in my car!
Cheddar tomatoe bread twist
Yes, heated up please.
Total: $8.01 (times 5-6 days a week. Yep! It adds up!!)
But...It is SOOOOOOOOOO worth it!!