Thursday, April 30, 2009

Enchiladas anyone???

Mmm, Mmm! These are some YUMMY enchiladas I must say! Jon absolutely LOVES them also! BUT.....Are they worth this mess.......this trauma........this disaster........ ??????

Can you see it CLEAR at the TOP of the stove????

Now do you know why I hate cooking??? A while back I decided to make these again (not the first time I had ever attempted to make them) because they taste so great! Well, I didnt not realize that the recipe calls for 2 very dangerous ingredients.....
First one....A jar of chile verde salsa
Second one...A jar of Queso cheese
This mess happened with BOTH of these ingredients, within about 10 minutes of each other. These jars are sooo hard to open (ok, maybe its just me, but both times I have made this, I struggled) I stick them under water, that never works. I end up having to bang the jar lids on the counter to loosen them. Which works, but now the jar is wet from me first sticking it under hot water, so when I go to twist the lid, it twists off so fast that the jar goes spinning out from under it and flies!!! The chile verde jar flew all over the counter, everywhere. It looked like someone had thrown up. That was nothing compared to what happened with the you can see......Jon has banned me from cooking!!! Just kidding, how can he ban me from doing something I NEVER do! HA HA! Thank goodness for eating out!! (And wasting money I guess.....)
P.S. Jon was so nice and went to the store to replace the Queso so I could finish making our dinner...I however, stayed home scrubbing walls, cupboard doors, in every nook and cranny! Oh and yea, I had to throw the rug away. Oh well!


Familly said...

That's really funny. At least you didn't give up on still making them. They look really good...

Colby-Paige Hargis said...

That is hilarious! I bet Jon laughed and you wanted to cry. Ha ha! I hate messes like that. I did that before. I was in my bathroom doing my hair and I got my bottle of developer that I didn't know that I loosened the lid and I shook the crap out of it and it went ALL over my entire bathroom. I am such a retard!

Kristie said...

That's quite a mess!!

Hey my dumb math class starts May 19th!!! I didn't realize it was going to start that early. AHHH! I'm not ready haha. That's the same day as my next ultrasound too. Well at least I'll be in a good mood on the first day of class. :D

When I took the class in Jan (before I dropped it) the teacher said this was the last term they were going to be using the book that everyone bought. So I hope he wasn't counting summer term. Why would they start new things in the summer?? I just don't want to buy another book!! I got a great deal by buying it used from a student for $45. The bookstore was selling USED ones for $85!!!