In effort to sell our cat, my husband put an ad on craigslist. I dont know if we ended up selling our cat because the people WANTED her, or out of sympathy towards my husband. ha ha. He is quite the creative one, and I thought his ad was cute!! (Don't pass out when you see how much my husband PAID for this cat, because I think my heart skipped a few beats when I found out!!!)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
That craig's list posting was awesome - what a sweet husband...
And yes - my heart skipped a beat when I saw the price too - he must really love you!
Don't worry - a Zoey puppy will be much less... :o)
Oh my, I had no idea someone could be so allergic to an animal...she was cute though, and yes your husband must love you, to buy that pricy kitty!
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