Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's the difference anyway???

So yes, this IS another one of those stories that I hate to admit, but I do it so others can have a good laugh (at my expense).
From now on, I'm not allowed to go to Costco anymore. No, this is not a restriction from the management there, but from my wonderful husband. He has his reasons, which I would say are valid- We will go broke if I continue to be allowed in. And NO, its not because I find so much stuff there that I want to buy and end up burning a hole in my husbands wallet....
Ocasionally we go to Costco for things we need in bulk (Im pretty sure thats normal? What most people go there for? Nothing too weird...).Our usual items consist of frozen chicken breasts, toilet paper, laundry detergent, etc.
My first encounter of stupidity (or, nicely put, an innocent mistake) was probably a month ago when we needed detergent. I picked up a "big jug" of what I thought was detergent, and returned home to find a "big jug" of fabric softner. Now, you may think that this does not sound so bad, and at this point its not. But over time continaully making the mistake of buying the things you dont need or want necessarily, and then having to go BACK and buy the thing that you meant to get in the first place, will end up becoming an expensive habit (I need a breath of air after that long and confusing sentence...)
We went on another Costco adventure about a week ago, with a few items on the list including toilet paper and paper towels this time. Jon does his job of pushing the cart, and I do my "risky" job of picking up the items and putting them in the cart. It's funny that grocery shopping has all of a sudden become dangerous! (only for me, Im sure). So I pick up a "big plastic thing" of toilet paper, and a "big plastic thing" of paper towels, we get the rest of our junk, check out, and leave.
This time I returned home to find 2 "big plastic things" of paper towels, and NO toilet paper!! I HAD to tell Jon immediatley because I knew he would laugh. Such a nice guy. I thought, ok this time I am going to take this big thing of paper towels back, and return it in exchange for some toilet paper. Normally I would just keep them and go "re buy" the toilet paper, but I figured it would take me ages to use up 2 huge things of paper towels. (we are not THAT messy here....)
So, I do my thing, go out of my way, stand in the return line forever, get my money back, and go buy the toilet paper!
That night I came home and opened up both plastic bags(?)...And what do I find???? Now I have 2 things of toilet paper and NO paper towels!!!! I just about died, not of anger or frustration, but more like I could not believe I was or could possibly be this stupid...
So since this story could not possibly get anymore confusing....Let me explain..
Originally I HAD picked up the right items. For some reason when I opened the big plastic bag that has the smaller individually packed rolls in them, I did not see the crack between each 2 rolls, therefore thinking the toilet paper was just a tall roll (normal roll) of paper towels! This leading to me laughing, taking it back, and coming home to more humiliation.
The moral of the story:
1.) I need kids fast so I can tell stories about how cute and adorable they are and not how retarded I AM.
2.) I have learned that I cant handle the "bulkiness" of Costco-apparently that warehouse with all those big boxes and big containers are just too much for me to handle...(Poor Michelle...)
3.) It's a good thing that we have a spare bedroom-to store all the junk I buy on accident.
I put the pictures of the paper towels and toilet paper up, so everyone can see how EASY it just may be to get confused..(ha ha ha ha)


Harward Family said...

Michelle you are so FUNNY! I do see how it could get confusing :)
I just enjoy reading about your life you always seem to make me laugh.

Love ya!

Colby-Paige Hargis said...

I was starting to think you did forget me Michelle! Ha ha! I'm glad you didn't. I look forward to hearing from you! Love ya!


Natalie said...

I do have to say I do my share of humiliating stuff around here but have to say i haven’t done that. (knock on wood) But i do see how that could be confusing. :) Thanks for the laugh.

Toph and Brittany said...

That is so funny! I read it to Toph and we had a good laugh because I also bought fabric softener instead of detergent expect I actually used half of the fabric softener before I realized what is was. So don't worry you're not the only one!

Harward Family said...

I just talked to Brian and we will be home for presidents day!!! I would love love love to see you so let me know your plans! we are only about an hour and a half to two hours from san diego!!

Familly said...

That's way funny! I could see myself doing something like that!

Krystin said...

oh michelle! you make me laugh as much as my girlies do! that is too funny, but you know that that is something i would of done too! we'll just keep that to ourselves though. good think jon REaLLY loves you! haha! :) j/k

mckell said...

Just wait til you have kids, then those things just get worse! I love the pictures of the ocean, so beautiful!