Very Short and lighter color....
Not too short, but not long......
Lots of bangs...........
Longer, darker, and lots of bangs
Short, less bangs and light brown??
I need help! I am going to get my hair done when I go home for Christmas. I cant just walk into any salon and get it done and thats why I have not gotten it done here in California. I have had many different hair styles and colors, as you can see. I hate my hair right now, it has faded into a redish color and Im not sure that I like the length. I always try to grow it out and end up cutting it. And as far as color, I dont like it too dark because it does not match my eyebrows and I end up penciling them in which does not look so natural all the time. So........I need opinions! I found some pictures from over the last two years and tried to show the various things I am looking for input on, length, color, and bangs. PLEASE leave me some feedback. I need lots of opinions, and Jon just tells me to grow it out. I think guys say they like long hair, but they dont realize that it may not look good on the girl. So please leave an opinion...Or else I will be lost! I have to get it done right, when I go home, because I wont be back for a while! (I sound like this is such a big deal. Well, it is! Hair is a big deal. LOL)
I love the picture with it longer, darker and maybe just a little less bangs that is what I think looks really cute on you....even though I think you look cute with all the different hair styles that you have had. I have always thought that your hair always looks so cute when I see you:) I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
you look beautiful anyway you have it! love ya! mwah
You are so funny! I need to do this too I am in a hair rut! Well I like your hair darker, either the wedding picture or the one with the bangs. I also like your hair the length a little past the shoulder. I hope that helps but you know you look good what ever style you do! Good luck and make sure you put an after picture up.
I'm usually in a hair rut but its worse than usual right now... anyways I think you look the best in these pics (wedding pic and 'not too long' pic)...
Not Too Short
Bridal Pic
I love the color at your wedding. But I really like the cut and style of the last picture. Good luck, I never know what to do with my hair!
I vote for you to not cut your hair... It's wonderful long!!!
I like the not to short but not to long style! You always look cute no matter what, always in style!
You are BEAUTIFUL, with ANY length and ANY color!!!
...of course, your genes for BEAUTY come from my side of the family...! (You also got your genes for genius level IQ, magnetic personality, and your Leonardo Da Vinci-like-creativity from my side of the family, as well...oh, yes...modesty from my side, too....
Michelle, what the heck are you talking about! You look awesome with platinum hair, but that's probably just cause I love blonde hair. But I actually love the dark, long hair. I love the bangs too. They are fun! I had bangs for a few months and loved them, I didn't have them long cause I'm trying to grow my hair super long. But you look gorgeous with all the hair styles, it's fun to change it up. I've been dying to go really dark again, but Colby loves blonde hair, so I'm torn, ha ha! You said your hair is kinda red, I bet that is way pretty. I like red now that my daughter has strawberry hair.
I think you look good with any color honestly! The dark brings out your eyes and I'm really used to you with blonde(even the platinum)! So anyway I would do a little less bangs and have fun with the color. I say either go real dark or real light to make a big change because you can pull off either!
Oh and about the length... my favorite is the 'not too short, but not too long' picture. And your mom is hilarious...her comment was awesome!
Hey sis!
ok so i'm thinkin i like the short, less bangs but dark like you have now or your wedding would look the best!
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