Thursday, June 21, 2012

Movie with Mom

What 16 month old....sits through 15 minutes of previews AND an entire movie, without moving an inch or making a PEEP!!??

Scarlett and I went to see Madagascar 3 today! She was a complete ANGEL (but, she is most of the time...) She wasn't even interested in her sippy cup of juice OR the Reese's pieces I got her. She sat on my lap and loved every minute of the movie! I love spending time with my little sidekick!! 


Unknown said...


I love your blog! I'm so, so sad that you are super far away but it looks like you guys are having fun :)
Love you girl!!

Kristie said...

That's awesome. Our only good movie trip was to see Winnie The Pooh. Parker just can't sit still anymore. :-\