Saturday, August 28, 2010

Amazing Hubby

I have such a wonderful husband. The day after my ultrasound, he had a HUGE bouquet of PINK and white flowers delivered to my work, telling me Congrats! on our little girlie. He is so sweet. Can I just tell you that every customer that came in, was drooling over them?! I was so proud to say "yup, those are mine! And they are from the most wonderful husband in the world!" I love you Jon, and miss you everyday. Thanks for being the most wonderful person and my best friend forever!!


Kristie said...

Hey, you don't have any comments because everyone is jealous. ;) Tell your husband not to be so sweet, he is making our husbands look bad haha. Just kidding. :)

Unknown said...

Bee-u-tiful!! What a fabulous husband! I'm sure he wishes he could have hand delivered them. =)

Natalie said...

Michelle, Congrats! That is so exciting. Little girls are so much fun. What a nice hubby to send you flowers. Is he going to be home by the time you have little miss Scarlett?